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misterroboto This was on my phone this morning from last night. Which...I apparently decided to take a sink Jack's bathroom...when I was next to a shower...there was a lot of drinking. A lot of it. And a lot of fort building. And Mario Kart. And Pokemon Go. And realizing that I have a lot of really amazing friends, and sometimes I forget that I have such good people behind me (because well, I have a tendency to forget that a lot, and I need lots and lots of reminders). So...thanks the folks who built forts and played games and drank heavily and took dumb photos (like this one) with me last night. And especially thanks to @jackattack and @mrghostman for always having my back. #IAmReallyHungover #IHavePokemonAndDragons #IUsuallyHateSurprisesButLovedThisOne #TooManyHashtags

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